Stickerbomb a Skate Helmet

by Josh Bernstein     October 05, 2019

We typically don't do sponsorships, and any of the ones we do approve are on a case-by-case basis. With that being said, we were recently contacted by a 14-year-old boy through Instagram. We usually get 1-2 a day asking for sponsorships, free stickers, etc. but this one stood out because the request was so well written and professional, but you could still tell that it was written by him and not his parents.

His name is Aiden Perkins, and he created a really awesome video stickerbombing his skate helmet for his YouTube channel. The surprising thing is that in the video he uses a hairdryer and box cutter to pretty much wrap his helmet like any professional vehicle wrapper would. Could Aiden be the next Justin Pate? Who knows, but it's pretty intuitive that a 14-year-old uses heat and a blade to limit the amount of creases and folds on his domed helmet.

Have a look at his killer video and give him a like and a comment! And have a look at our in stock stickers to help you stickerbomb your own helmet, or whatever!

Josh Bernstein
Josh Bernstein


Owner, designer, and all-around misfit at Rockin Monkey.